Project Discovery by Education Associates
Work Life Ready is serving these Midwest states with Project Discovery. MN, WI, ND, SD, IA
Explore. Experience. Learn.
Learners will explore, experience, learn and develop real life job skills with actual tasks and job tools while reinforcing core academic skills. Students who learn by doing will excel and enhance their opportunities in the workforce and will be Job Ready.
Effective, hands-on career education using real tools to perform real jobs.
-Purchase kits individually, or in a grouping.
-Pick and choose titles to create your ideal exploration.
Want to schedule a Demonstration or get Pricing?

Minnesota, Wisconsin, Iowa, North Dakota, South Dakota Email Heidi Johnson for Project Discovery pricing and information. Also, please use the scheduler below to schedule a personalized demonstration of Project Discovery which will include seeing all of the curriculum components up close and discussing implementation in your setting.
Schedule Project Discovery Demo over Zoom
This is for schools and programs in Minnesota, Wisconsin, North Dakota, South Dakota, and Iowa.
California schools and programs email [email protected] to schedule a zoom demonstration for Project Discovery.
Introduction to career pathways (formerly Let’s Discover)
Over 100 career choices to help students find their future
Opening career doors for students with autism and other significant challenges.

Building marketable skills for high-demand jobs
Congratulations! New Project Discovery Programs in 2023 and 2024!

To search for a Project Discovery sites in the midwest, search the locator map below by entering a zip code and search radius to see the results. Contact Email Heidi Johnson, for more information.

Funding Sources for Project Discovery and Achieve Life Skills Programs
The Project Discovery and Achieve Life Skills programs developed by Education Associates help students learn about their career interests and gain entry-level job skills in key career areas. Using an applied, hands-on approach to career exploration, Project Discovery helps students with disabilities to become Job Ready and increases their chances for a successful transition to employment. With Achieve Life Skills programs, students gain the key employability and independent living skills to become Life Ready.
There are many sources of funding available to help schools and local educational agencies (LEAs) purchase and implement academic and vocational resources like Project Discovery and Achieve Life Skills. Identifying and pursuing these sources of funding can seem daunting. Education Associates is here to help by highlighting some of the key funding streams and suggesting how best to utilize them!
Learn More about these Funding Sources
Career Exploration Adapted Kits: Come with both the General Curriculum AND the Adapted Curriculum, plus a Set of Equipment and Supplies. Choose from these Titles: Cleaning Maintenance, Filing, Greenhouse Work, Grocery Clerking, Hair Care & Styling, Mail Handling, Table Service, Child Care, Animal Care, Autobody Repair, Caregiver, Carpentry, Food Service, Health & Nutrition, Retailing, Skin & Nail Care, Small Engine Repair
Learn About Project Discovery Adapted
Life Skills Titles: Banking: Credit & Loans, Banking: Checking & Savings, Getting Around, Living on Your Own, Skills for Buying a Car, Renting an Apartment, Life Skills for the Telephone, Consumer Shopping, Customer Service, Time Management, Perimeter & Area, Laundry ,Using Money ,Kitchen Safety, Kitchen Tools, Measurements, Baking Math, Sales Tax Discounts & Tips, Study Skills, General Housekeeping Tips, Cyber-bullying, Bullying, Internet Safety, Problem Solving, Conflict Resolution, Self-Esteem, Friendship Basics, Teamwork, Service Learning, Social Skills, Showing Respect, Diversity Awareness, Self-Determination, Workplace Bullying, Planning Healthy Meals, Weight Control & Physical Activity, Healthy Snacks, Healthy Meals on a Budget, Food Labels, Active Recreation, Passive Recreation, Dangers of Tobacco, Basic First Aid, Basic Hygiene, Dangers of Alcohol, Planning Career Goals, Looking for a Job, Developing a Resume, Completing a Job Application, Interviewing for a Job, Positive Attitudes in Getting a Job, Your Appearance in the Interview, Verbal & Non-Verbal Communication, Written Communication, Your Appearance on the Job, Positive Attitudes in Keeping a Job, Maintaining Regular Attendance, Following Directions, Workplace Literacy, Expectations on the Job, On the Job Phone Skills, Managing Your Money

Please request a proposal from [email protected] for your district or program. Include your list of titles for the proposal.
You can also email or call Heidi 763-286-0476 with questions or to request a proposal.

Document Download Links
(Password protected – Ask Heidi for password)
Project Discovery Teacher Resources
All dark green bold-faced words on this page are live links to current resources for Project Discovery teaching staff.
Remote and Hybrid Learning with Project Discovery
Teacher Videos: We are hard at work establishing a video library showing teachers using Project Discovery in their various classrooms.
Career Exploration Project Discovery Video
By Deb Goodman, Special Education Teacher, North Branch Minnesota
Child Care Career Exploration
Career Exploration Project Discovery Video
By Stacy Johnstone, Special Education Teacher, North Branch Minnesota
Skin & Nail Care Career Exploration
Career Exploration Benchmark Day Video
Table Service Career Exploration
Adapted Project Discovery Video
By Angila Schmidtke, Special Education Teacher, Burnsville Minnesota
Grocery Clerking Adapted
Adapted Role Play Video
Cleaning Adapted
Using System of Least Prompts Video
Child Care Adapted - Video Clip from a Minnesota Workshop
Dr. Amy Spriggs
Associate Professor, Dept. of Early Childhood, Special Education and Rehabilitation Counseling, University of Kentucky
Note: The videography was poorly shot, a group of teachers advised and decided the content was good if you overlook the poor videography.
Using Time Delay Video
Child Care Adapted - Video Clip from a Minnesota Workshop
Dr. Amy Spriggs
Associate Professor, Dept. of Early Childhood, Special Education and Rehabilitation Counseling, University of Kentucky
Note: The videography was poorly shot, a group of teachers advised and decided the content was good if you overlook the poor videography.
Project Discovery and Achieve Life Skills
Instructional Strategies Document
Project Discovery and Achieve Life Skills curriculum is extremely dynamic, allowing for a broad range of strategies to match educators’ expertise and classroom needs. Instructors can implement this curriculum using a variety of methods tailored to staffing, student numbers, ability levels, and available technology. The instructional strategies scenarios are based on best practices shared by educators currently using our curriculum.
Project Discovery and Achieve Life Skills
Sample IEP Goals and Objectives Document
Written by Project Discovery certified trainer, Nicky Loch
Project Discovery
Consumable Supplies Documents
Project Discovery
Academic Correlations Documents
Project Discovery and Achieve Life Skills
Shows all available titles. Purchase one title at a time, as a customized package, or by the series.
Project Discovery and Achieve Life Skills
What level is right for my learners?
CTE Prep with Project: Discovery

Project: Discovery at Crosby-Ironton MN