Certified Trainers and Contributors

Certified PAES Trainer - Wisconsin and beyond
Deb has almost 20 years of experience in Special Education. Her undergraduate is in social work, where she worked in the juvenile justice system before becoming a Special Education teacher. She is licensed in Emotion/Behavior Disorders, Autism Spectrum Disorders, and Work-Based Learning. She started her teaching career in Setting IV behavior programs before teaching post-secondary transition. She is currently a teacher at the Chisago County Schools’ Life Work Center in North Branch, MN, for students ages 18-21 years old. Deb has been the PAES Lab supervising teacher for the past ten years. She uses the data collected in the PAES Lab to help plan the “what’s next” for the students. She believes the skills students learn in the PAES Lab help prepare them for their next employment opportunities. In her free time, Deb enjoys cooking, traveling, spending time with her family on the lake in Wisconsin, snowmobiling, and snowshoeing in the winter.

National PAES Scan App Sales & Support Specialist
Certified PAES Trainer - Pacific Northwest
Theresa joined the PAES author in 2019 after working as a Paraeducator in the Special Ed field for seven years. Her most recent position was in the district intensive support classroom in a high school environment. She was first exposed to PAES in 2014 while supporting a student who participated in the lab and thought the hands-on nature of the lab was great for all the students. Theresa became a PAES Lab supervisor in 2017 and was quickly impressed with the system. "I recognized right away the impact PAES had on the students in the lab, and the potential for the impact to be even greater the more I got to know all the ins and outs of the program". Currently, Theresa provides administrative support for PAES Author and training support to customers learning how to use PAES. She is also the PAES Scan Sales and Support Specialist and collaborates with TAI as well as sales reps out in the field.

Certified PAES Trainer - Midwest
Certified Project Discovery and Achieve Life Skills Trainer
Pam has 40 years of experience teaching in the field of special education and most recent, nearly 10 years working with PAES at the Crosby-Ironton School District, Crosby, MN. Pam has taught at the elementary through transition setting in Iowa, Illinois and Minnesota. She holds current Minnesota licenses in elementary education, and special education; developmental cognitive disabilities and autism. In her retirement from full-time teaching, Pam continues to work with special education staff as a consultant in local school districts. She has great passion for what PAES can offer students in transition planning and loves to share that with staff she has the opportunity to train. In her spare time, Pam enjoys being outdoors with her dog Winston and partner Al, whether it’s snowshoeing, hiking, camping, paddle boarding, or exploring state and national parks.

Transition Consultant and Retired special education director; Burnsville-Eagan-Savage School District 191 in Burnsville, Minnesota
Certified Project Discovery Trainer and Enthusiast
PAES© Customer/Enthusiast
Resource Mapping Specialist
Stephanie has over 40 years in special and career and technical education specializing in the transition from school to adult life for students with disabilities. Her leadership on a local, state and national level helped to implement the transition requirements of IDEA. As an adjunct faculty member at the University of St. Thomas, Minneapolis she trained graduate level teachers in the field of transition services for youth with disabilities. She co-authored a textbook on transition assessment that is used both in the United States and international.

Certified PAES Trainer - North Dakota, South Dakota, and beyond
Jess has over 20 years of teaching experience including 6 years as a PAES Lab instructor. He has taught grades K-12 and holds licenses in the areas of Physical Education, Health, Special Education (DCD), Work Based Learning, and a Master’s in Education. Jess currently runs a PAES Lab for the Osseo School District. He has a strong passion for PAES and he loves seeing the opportunities it has provided for his students. Outside of teaching Jess enjoys spending time with his two children, playing with his pets, golfing, hunting, and fishing. Jess is active in competitive bass fishing and is a boat captain for the Monticello High School Fishing Team.

Certified PAES Trainer - Pacific Northwest
Rebekkah's exposure to PAES began at a very young age, when her mother, Dr. Judith Swisher, first created the program in her own classroom. In the initial stage of expanding to other schools, she collated curriculum manuals and packed boxes in the family basement. In the 30 or so years since then, she has watched it progress into a statistically validated tool for assessing employment potential and has seen its reach expand nationwide. Today, she works with her mom to maintain author support, training content and directs the development and execution of the PAES Scan 2.0 Mobile and Web Application. She holds a B.S.Ch.E. from the University of Kansas, and was the former Editor in Chief of Chemical Engineering Magazine. She looks forward to hearing your questions, needs and suggestions for PAES through