Project Discovery for Remote and Hybrid Learning
Best Practices in the “New Normal”
The team at Education Associates, the makers of Project Discovery have been working with educators across the country along with members of their own team to develop guides to using Project Discovery remotely and with hybrid learning. There is a guide for the general career exploration and adapted Project Discovery curriculum.

Project Discovery Remote and Hybrid Guidance Document
Adapted Project Discovery Remote and Hybrid Guidance Document

Effective, hands-on career education using real tools to perform real jobs
Purchase kits individually, or in a grouping.
Pick and choose titles to create your ideal exploration.
Pre/Post Tests Options
- If your students DON’T have online access, Education Associates provides the hard copy file and you can include it in your take home packets.
- If students DO have online access you can drop our Pre-Post test directly into GOOGLE FORMS to create an online version. Super easy and convenient, and you will have the data automatically at your fingertips.
Take a look at the original and online test!

Pre-Post tests also come in a Power Point version which is visual and interactive for delivering visual support. Recording the student responses on provided score report form or alternate method.
Project Discovery Career Exploration Kits Many of the hands on career exploration kits can be completed at home with students following our instructions and using common items found around the house. See list of these at home activities on Education Associates Remote Learning Resources Page
In addition, there are many worksheets that come in the Career Exploration and Adapted kits that can be assigned out online. Further, there are portfolio activities, role plays, and situation cards to engage your students during your online classroom time. All Project Discovery curriculum files come in a digital format (PPT, Word, PDF) loaded onto a thumb drive.
The on-going site license is offered on a building-wide basis. However, Education Associates has relaxed the site license agreement during this pandemic time to support educators at home:
- Allowing educators to use our curriculum with students at home.
- Helping minimize the digital divide, we are also offering the ability for educators to duplicate our curriculum for take-home packets for those students with limited internet access.

Blended Model
When working with a Blended model, you can use your SYNCHRONOUS time with students to introduce a new unit using our FIRST LOOK Power Points, or even begin to model a new activity. THEN you can leave those files in your shared folder so that students (and parents) can access independently for review and repetition.
Use SYNCHRONOUS class time to use the Power Points provided to:
Use ASYNCHRONOUS instructional time to:
Option to push out Project Discovery or Achieve Life Skills using Replicated Reality
If you are using Replicated Reality, or thinking about using Replicated is an idea for you. Consider setting up Job Boards with Achieve Life Skills or Project Discovery activities in your Replicated Reality account. Students apply for the jobs or you can assign them to students.