PAES® - Practical Assessment Exploration System
PAES® is a research-based assessment system that identifies aptitude for community-based employment, functional skills, interests and work behavior strengths and barriers to success.
OUR MISSION: Motivate.
The goal of PAES® is to determine what an individual can do on their own with as little help as possible.
“We never really know what a student can do until we give them a chance to try”
- Dr. Judith Swisher, PAES® Founder & Author
What is PAES®?
Expose your students or clients to a broad range of hands-on, generalizable work skills. They'll be better prepared for community work experiences, future employment and independent life!
Participants clock in and go to work exploring nearly 300 jobs in five career areas that are based upon typical skills found at community based job sites. Participants find out what job skills they are good at, and what job skills they like to do.
PAES® is accessible for ALL students in Special Education: Middle School, High School and Adult Transition Programs. Also, PAES® for students in General Education during Middle School.
Convert your classroom or space to a Workplace
How better to determine a student's employment potential than to let them try all different types of jobs they might actually have in the future?
PAES® exposes students to hundreds of essential work and life skills. PAES® encourages workplace independence and motivates students to achieve more. Suiting a wide range of ages and abilities, PAES® is customizable to a students level of need.
The goal of PAES® is to determine what an individual can do on their own with as little help as possible.
PAES® Meets a Variety of Public Mandates and Funding Programs
PAES® Facilitates transition planning and job placement. The comprehensive report is very useful for developing Career Development Plans, School-To-Work Plans, IEPs (Individualized Education Program) and Transition Plans.

PAES® 2024 Edition is Here!
PAES® Lab On-Site Training Photos from 2023 - 2024
Congratulations New PAES® Labs 2023 and 2024!
Performance Based Assessment
PAES® provides three types of hands-on, performance based assessments in one:

Osseo Minnesota PAES® lab conducts a one hour tour of their PAES® lab for California SELPA. Watch video below.
PAES® Lab Tour with Jess Kline, Work Coordinator and PAES® Lab Instructor, Osseo Area Schools CBVAT Program (Community-Based Vocational Assessment & Training) in Brooklyn Park, Minnesota
Jess gives a tour of his PAES® lab and school store. Watch video below!
PAES® Lab Tour for Frank Souza, Program Specialist/WorkAbility I, SELPA Department, Wentworth Education Center in Stockton, California, San Joaquin County Office of Education
Hey Midwest and West Coast! Contact Heidi Johnson for a PAES® demonstration or pricing today!
Heidi Johnson - Serving US States in the Midwest and West Coast

If you are in Heidi's sales territory, please either schedule a personalized demonstration or email Heidi to request information or a PAES quote package: [email protected]
If you are elsewhere, Please contact
Heidi's Sales Territories:
Minnesota, Wisconsin, Iowa, North Dakota, & South Dakota
Arizona, California, Oregon, Washington, & Hawaii

(Hover Over Slide below for Arrows to Advance Slides to Learn More about PAES®)
Search for any of Heidi's PAES® labs. There are well over 200 PAES® labs in the Midwest between Minnesota, Wisconsin, North Dakota, South Dakota and Iowa. There are over 50 PAES® Labs in California. Just getting started in Washington, Hawaii and Oregon. To find your lab, or a lab near you, search the locator map below by entering your zip code and search radius to see the results. PAES® labs outside of the states mentioned above are not included in this locator map. Only the PAES® customers from Heidi Johnson's sales territory are included in this mapping.
Continue scrolling for more PAES® information
PAES® is a Comprehensive Partner:
PAES® Curriculum Based Assessment is a Performance Based Measure of Employment Potential. All Assessment Scores contribute to the PAES® Aptitude Scores on the PAES® Performance Summary Report
PAES® PROVIDES MEANINGFUL and CRITICAL INFORMATION FOR IEPs and TRANSITION ASSESSMENT There are so many benefits from PAES® beyond the hands on exploration of nearly 300 Jobs. The PAES® performance summary report defines the participants strengths and abilities in regards to their employment potential.
This report is provided to all involved:
Including : The Participant, Parents, Guardians, Care Givers, Teaching Staff, Case Manager/Worker, Guidance Counselor, County and VRS.
Predict Employment Potential with Data-Driven Results
Assesses aptitude, interests AND behaviors with scoring criteria like:
Quality of Work: The PAES® evaluator inspects and scores each job for quality.
Work Rate: Each PAES® job is timed and rated against the competitive job rates.
Amount of Assistance Needed: Was the PAES® job performed independently? Or was assistance or accommodations needed? Assistance and Accommodations are provided, and scored and reported through the PAES® scoring software to help ensure that transition goals will reasonably enable the participant to meet those post-secondary and/or work readiness goals
Participants say whether or not they like a job, every time they complete a job in PAES®. Because every job is performed hands-on, this is a very accurate indicator of interest.
Each PAES® job is broken down and assessed by individual sub task for when the need arrives. This is when a job has been attempted, assistance is given and the student is not expected to complete the PAES® job entirely. The jobs are broken down to individual sub tasks in order to find out what sub task of the job can the participant can complete.
Are there barriers to success in regards to getting and keeping a job? PAES® provides an opportunity to identify and develop appropriate work skills and behaviors, prior to working in the community. This includes a proper work behavior inventory, goals, objectives and daily tracking.
PAES® Marketing Document Links:
PAES® Teacher/Student/Author Made Featured Videos:
One Hour Tour of Osseo MN PAES® Lab Includes Incentive Programs
For PAES® Lab Supervisors - This a sharing site for remote learning ideas for when your students cannot be in the PAES® lab. This is a new sharing site. Feel free to access files, and if you have something you to share, please upload to the site.
This group is for teachers/supervisors/aides/job coaches of PAES® Labs to share ideas with each other. You must have a PAES lab and answer the group questions to join.
The purpose of this group is for supervisors of PAES® Labs to have a place to ask questions, post ideas, share stories, or just be a lurker (you know who you are;). This is a closed group so only members can see it's content.. This group is not for parents or students.

Considering a PAES® lab?
Read on for pricing/funding info, planning ideas & helpful tips!
Planning for PAES®
If students experience PAES® prior to their first job, they will be better prepared. In PAES®, they will have found what work skills they are good at, and what work skills they like to do. But, most importantly, they will have learned and practiced the positive work behaviors and soft skills that are expected on the job. Because of all of this, their first work experience will be based on their proven work skills, abilities and work strengths. Therefore, they will have positioned themselves for a positive first work experience; setting them up for work success in the future.
Your PAES® lab can be in a school or out in the community. PAES® is great for Middle School, High School and Adult Programs. Many districts see PAES® as the starting point to transition planning. You can also consider a site in your community, like in a business in your community that is looking to increase their employment pool, or in an alternative school property or you can lease a retail store or community site. Some PAES® labs have their students walk to work by walking to the PAES® lab each day. Either way, these options get the students accustomed to "going to work". Another advantage of a community site is the natural connection to local businesses for community job site placements for employment, work experiences, internships, short term volunteer work experiences, customized employment and of course, competitive employment.
No two PAES® labs are alike. You will need at least 450 square feet, but some labs are as large as 1,000+ square feet. It is nice to either select a room with a sink, or install a sink in your space. Some programs use portable sinks.
PAES® Lab Floor Plan Examples
These floor plans are listed in order by square footage. The actual PAES® lab site layouts may vary from the floor plans as the PAES® program supervisors make changes to their room layouts periodically. These plans are posted in order to help those looking to plan a PAES® space of their own to reference.
Packages run between $40,000 and $50,000, and include everything you need to run the PAES® jobs with the exception of some furnishings and PC's that are listed below which can add $0 - $3,000 to your budget depending on if you can source items from your school inventory. PAES® comes in many large shipping boxes that are shipped on a couple of pallets. Packages INCLUDE having someone come to your site and unpack and set up your PAES® lab, and conduct an in-service on site training. (see tips for a successful in-service training below) You should also budget for $500 - $1,000 per year for consumable supply budget. This will be dependent upon how many students you run through, and if you decide to offer a school store for incentives.
Most schools find these items from school storage, except stand up work tables and pegboard tool wall which are often ordered.
Tables & Equipment Storage you will need for your PAES Lab:
- 2-3 storage cabinets or book shelves, 1 business table, 1 check in station table, 1 computer table, 2 office type chairs, small table with no wheels, & chair for supplied sewing machine.
- 3-5 Stand Up Work Tables - Schools either have/make tables
- Pegboard Wall for Construction Hand Tools (pegboard/hooks) Typically installed after in-service training.
2-4 Tablets iPads or Android Devices
(1) Timeclock Tablet
(2-3) Job Supervisor Tablets (one for each staff working in lab at once)
2-4 Computers
2-3 Student Computers (any platform but with Microsoft Subscriptions)
1 Job Supervisor Computer (any platform but with Microsoft Subscriptions)
- Printer (black/white or color)
PAES is a one time purchase and is a qualified purchase of any of the ESSER and Covid Relief funding streams to the schools. Districts have also written for transition readiness grants, local grants, used Carl Perkins funding, Comp Ed Funding, MA dollars, and of course IDEA general funds for purchasing PAES®. In some US states, funding through DVR and WIOA have also been used through an agreement for schools to provide PRE-ets to students.
PAES® is a formative, valid data driven transition assessment of employment potential. New PAES® labs include a lab set up followed by one full day of training for your staff. All staff running the PAES® assessments should be officially trained in as PAES® evaluators. Typically you would send any staff that might work in the lab including teaching staff and paras and/or aides/job coaches. This is teaching staff from many areas of SpEd, including mild/mod ID, high/low ASD, BD, LD, etc. Many districts also invite their OT’s and/or DVR counselor to attend the training.
There is a published document that gives the PAES® staffing recommendations for administrators
There is also a published document that is a self-assessment for your lab after it is up and running, but this also shows the criteria for a lab that is run with integrity. This makes for a great planning document as well.
PAES® Lab Self Check Inventory
Some labs assign staff to be in the lab working all day, and rotate students through. Some labs rotate staff through. Most labs however run several "work shifts" (class periods) per day, which are at least one hour long, and sometime 1 1/2 hours long. Some labs run 2 work shifts, some three, and even some very busy labs run four work shifts per day. It is recommended that students work in the PAES® lab at least four days a week, but it is set up for five days a week, so five days a week is most typical. Students should be in the lab at a minimum of a semester. Some students are in for a year, some for two years. This is dependent on varying student abilities and scheduling. Either way, the goal always is to get them into the community for work or work experiences as soon as they are ready. If you have the staff and the space, you can run up to 10 students per work shift. See above staffing recommendations for pupil/teacher ratios. Smaller sized labs may only run 5-8 students per work shift. If your students have more significant needs, this will require more staff than with students who function at higher levels, so fewer students working at the same time in this case is common, sometimes even 3-5 students if the students have significant needs. It is recommended that you have one assigned person to keep track of your lab...the "work rules" and also keep track of the "inventory" on a day to day basis. There are many bits and pieces and equipment in a PAES® lab, and you want to make sure you have someone detailed that can keep track of it all, and make sure the work shifts are run consistently. Most labs like to assign one person to be in the lab consistently over the course of the day. Some labs have an aide or job coach that are consistently in all day, and teachers rotate through. Others have assigned staff that are in all day, and the students rotate through. There are many scenarios. Most importantly to have trained staff in your lab, including trained aides, para professionals or coaches. This is because PAES® is run completely different than a typical special education classroom. In PAES®, we back off and give the least amount of assistance and see what the students can do independently on their own. There are many techniques and tips to help the students gain the independence for employment that are covered and practiced in during the in-service training.
PAES® Teacher Resources
Current resources for PAES® Teaching Staff.
PAES® 2024 Edition Upgrades and Labs - Now Available!
PAES® Scan App - Now Available!
PAES® Scan App and 2024 Edition Lab - Tech Requirements
PAES® Staffing and Facility Needs
PAES® Scan App - Sample Report
Stand Up Work Table Idea Sheet
Construction Tool Storage Idea Sheet
Typical Legacy Lab Floor Plan Layout
Typical 2024 Lab Floor Plan Layout
PAES Training Videos and Curriculum Downloads for Existing PAES Labs
Whether or not you are updating your PAES lab to 2024 Edition, we have the resources you need for your lab!
For PAES Labs that DO NOT have the PAES-Scan App:
The free PAES Video Training Series and all master forms, files and 2020 job cards are now available on the free version of the PAES-Scan Web App. You need your PAES serial number to verify your lab for the access. The serial number would have been on a certificate that was included in your important documents manilla envelope that came with your lab. If you don't have your serial number contact [email protected] with the city and state and approximate year your lab was purchased. It's easy to register your lab for access by submitting an online request. You will then receive an email with instructions to access the website and materials. Please allow for up to three days for processing this registration. Follow this link to fill out the PAES Lab Registration
For PAES Labs that ALREADY HAVE the PAES-Scan App:
You can continue to access the PAES-Scan Video Training Series on the mobile app from the training section. The 2020 downloadable forms, files and job cards are available for you on the web portion of the app. To access these, press the 3 dots next to your lab facility name and select the file(s) you need. If you have a 2024 edition PAES lab and app, you will access the 2024 downloads the same way.
Lakeland STAR School kicks off "First of it's kind".
A PAES® work lab located within the local hospital in Woodruff, Wisconsin.
The Practical Assessment Exploration System - PAES® is now available to the students at Lakeland STAR School/Academy, Lakeland Union High School and Middle School. The students "go to work" each day at PAES® to the Howard Young Medical Center in Woodruff, Wisconsin. The PAES® work lab is located within the hospital to give students an integrated work experience. This is the first PAES® of it's kind in the United States, by locating a PAES® lab within the four walls of a business. Each day Lakeland STAR School/Academy students are going to work and discovering their work potential by experiencing and exploring a wide variety of individual jobs.
When the students arrive to PAES®, they clock in and they “go to work” exploring in a different work area each day. The students find out for themselves what job skills they are good at, and what job skills they like to do. The students are given support and help when they ask for it; but mostly they work independently to see what they can do on their own. STAR staff keeps track of the quality of each job the student attempts, as well as what type of assistance each student needs. They also track how each student learns best. Students time themselves while completing their assigned job tasks. All of this information is entered into a database that produces reports that help guide the students transition. For the students who need it, supports are given to enable them to perform job skills that otherwise they would not be able to do. The idea and hope is that these supports will transfer on the job as reasonable accommodations.
PAES® was developed to prepare students for work, independent living, and/or post-secondary education. The individualized reports generated from PAES® help guide the Lakeland STAR School/Academy students individual plans. The detailed PAES® reports are not only helpful for the student, but also the helpful to the parents/guardians, care givers, teaching staff, case manager/worker, guidance counselor, and county and vocational rehabilitation services providers.
PAES® at Southern Plains Educational Co-Op, Winnebago, Minnesota
Southern Plains Educational Cooperative and PAES® making a difference in southern Minnesota.
Interview with Matthew Nielsen and TAI - Talent Assessment, Inc., the publisher of PAES®.
Matthew Nielsen
Work Based Learning
Southern Plains Educational Cooperative
Matt Nielsen regularly sends in complementary comments about PAES® to TAI, and Heidi Johnson, local TAI Midwest Representative. One day we asked Matt, would you be interested in an interview with TAI to share about your program in Winnebago, Minnesota? Matt graciously shared his thoughts and comments about PAES® and how it is helping students at Southern Plains Educational Cooperative.
January 29th, 2018, Interview with Matthew Nielsen and TAI - Talent Assessment, Inc., the publisher of PAES®.
Southern Plains Educational Cooperative and PAES® making a difference in southern Minnesota.
TAI recently caught up with Matt Nielsen, the Work Based Learning teacher for the cooperative and asked him to share his experience with PAES®.
TAI: Thanks for taking the time to talk to us, Matt. To begin, please tell us about yourself, your team and your mission.
Matt: My name is Matt Nielsen and I work for the Southern Plains Educational Cooperative which is headquartered in Fairmont, Minnesota. The cooperative administers special education programs for six school districts in southern Minnesota and also runs its own campus in Winnebago, Minnesota. Our PAES® Lab is at the Winnebago building. We have a full time PAES® supervisor, Stephanie Stefanske. Steph has visited other labs and she is passionate about the program and how it has such a positive effect on our students. As the Work Based Learning teacher, I know how well the PAES® program works perfectly with our transitional goals for our students. My job is really directed towards preparing students for life outside of school and the PAES® Lab provides an invaluable tool for students, parents and teachers in making transition choices.
TAI: How did you first learn about PAES®?
Matt: The cooperative Director, Sarah Mittelstadt, invited me to tour a PAES® Lab in Austin, Minnesota. After viewing several sessions we decided that PAES® would provide great programming and assessment opportunities for our students.
TAI: Why did you purchase a PAES® Lab?
Matt: As part of transitioning students and work-based learning, PAES® provides not just an assessment tool, but also a diagnostic tool. It helps not just to identify what a student does well but also what they like. Students are not typically asked if they like what they’re doing in school but with PAES® the instant feedback a student gives regarding task satisfaction is a key part of future career exploration and satisfaction.
TAI: What were your expectations for PAES® and how is your Lab meeting them?
Matt: Generally, we expected, and somewhat sold to our school case managers, that PAES® would provide them with good data which they like for their files. We did not anticipate the level of participation and enjoyment that the students would have for the program. Taking very enthusiastic students and combining their energy with the data has proven time and again that the data is accurate, usable, and personal to the lives of our students.
TAI: Did you consider solutions other than PAES® and if so, what and why?
Matt: No, not to the best of my knowledge.
TAI: Please describe your PAES® experience.
Matt: Let me describe what just happened at 9:41 a.m. on January 17, 2018 a student just finished SS-5 (Shop Saws). In this project he makes a 1x1x1 cube out of wood. the student added dots to make a die out of the cube. He came into the room excitedly and said, "Look what I just made!" And he meant those words: HE made it himself, reading the instructions and following procedures. This is the most common and satisfying element of the PAES® experience. Students are learning the value of following directions for the sake of a positive outcome for themselves, and the satisfaction that comes from full accuracy in the effort. Daily, we see students who are surprising themselves with their performance and their outcomes. We are surprised by the reactions of students who do not succeed the first time. They are able to keep these failures in perspective and realize that doing something over is not a great penalty. They also realize that employers will want effort and accuracy as part of having a good employee. Every day we look forward to coming to the lab and seeing this exploration unfold.
TAI: Would you share a story about a positive experience a student has had with PAES®?
Matt: I could share one about every student who has attended the lab. I will highlight a student who was very focused on being a fire fighter or police officer. Unfortunately, he does not have the intellectual ability to pursue these jobs. Through the PAES® lab we all learned together (student, parents, teachers) that he has wonderful abilities and interests in the area of consumer/service, particularly with cooking aspects. His interest levels were consistently high, and his performance matched preference so he had clear aptitudes in this area. Because of the PAES® lab he refocused what he wanted to do with his future, and is now working, very happily, in a grocery store bakery; weighing, measuring, and baking. All skills that were appreciated in the PAES® lab.
TAI: Describe the effect PAES® has on student outcomes?
Matt: While we are a little early in this determination, I think that the biggest effect is that as we discuss interest and transitions, we are doing so in a data driven way. And because we are able to address the aptitudes of the student, the intersection of interest and ability, we are providing great recommendations for student transition.
TAI: What kind of feedback have you received from parents?
Matt: Parents have consistently told us how the PAES® lab is the first class since elementary school where their kids are coming home enthusiastic and happily discussing their day at school. Parents consistently ask if there is, sort of, a PAES® Plus where the students can do more advanced exploration. Parents have been eager to see and understand the data related to their student. They are also eager to hear, because they understand it, their student's work habits and attitudes.
TAI: If you could tell your peers about PAES®, what would you say to them?
Matt: With PAES® you will find enthusiastic students, unbelievable support from Heidi Johnson and TAI, understandable and logical programming, manageable equipment, and flexible curriculum by design. On the topic of support, TAI and their representative in Minnesota, Heidi Johnson provide fast answers to our questions, excellent customer service if we have any equipment difficulties, and a general attitude of willingness to back the program and the products. In a time when companies have great customer service until the sale is made, TAI and Heidi really stand out.
TAI: What one thing could we do to improve your experience?
Matt: The ability to provide more mechanical, cooking, construction, assembly, and computer options would be great. The way TAI breaks things into tasks is second to none. If there was a flight of more advanced topics which we would be able to buy the materials would be great. Also, a list of actual or preferred suppliers for material replacement would be great.
TAI: Do you refer PAES® to others?
Matt: Always! I take pride in being a small part of this program. I take community groups through the PAES® lab so that they see what we are doing and how we do it.
TAI: Describe how it is to work with Talent Assessment, Inc.?
Matt: As noted above, it is a pleasure. The training provided by Heidi Johnson and TAI was well thought out and sensible. By beginning with a great training, I had the confidence to run this lab on a day to day basis. As we progressed, TAI and Heidi are quick to return calls and e-mails. They have probably heard the question a hundred times, but they always treated me with respect and even appreciation for contacting them. I was self-employed for 25 years. I took care of all of the purchasing for my office and became callused towards sales people and their promises of customer service after the sale. In my experience, TAI is the single most satisfying customer experience I have had. No hidden fees, e-mails are not ignored, I am not treated like the village idiot, and every interaction concludes with a reaffirmation of mutual appreciation. I am not sure I can think of any product or service that I recommend more than TAI and Heidi Johnson.
TAI: Is there anything else you would like to add?
Matt: I am tremendously proud to be part of this program. I have seen a lot of curriculum come and go. But this is such a sensible program and works so well for the goals of our special education program. I thoroughly believe that TAI and the PAES® program will be noted as being a significant part of a more satisfying life for our students. I feel fortunate to be part of this program and to see the changes in our students and the daily smiles that I receive.
TAI: Thank you, Matt, for taking the time to share your experiences with PAES® with us!
PAES® helps students attain their goal for competitive employment.
Comments from local teachers about PAES®

Two Student Success Stories from Osseo Area School District in Minnesota
First Story:
In December 2015, the Osseo School District hired Jess Kline to be the instructor for their recently purchased PAES® Lab. In January of 2016 the first set of students began attending. One student in particular had a very dark and quiet personality to him. When this student would arrive he would never make eye contact, never engaged in interactions, and seemed to have no interest in doing any of the PAES® work. For about two weeks he was not talking, he was doing jobs at a very slow rate, his interest was low for every job he did, and he was more interested in drawing on his arm than he was in the PAES® Lab. Jess had created a “Wall of Fame” in the lab to recognize students that complete all 6 jobs in any of the PAES® units. Jess would put their name on the wall and a tag under their name with the category they completed (i.e. WB 1 – 6). One day Jess was putting up some tags on the wall and this student took interest:
Student: “what are you doing?”
Jess: “I am putting up tags. This is the Wall of Fame, when you complete a job series I put a tag under your name”
Student: “Well I want my name up there”
Jess: “Well then you need to start completing more jobs”
From that moment on, the student took off like a rocket and blew away all of the other students. He almost completed every job between February and the end of the school year. The best part was this new goal of his to be on the wall spawned a feeling of success from having so many tags under his name and it totally blossomed his personality. After about a month he began making eye contact, engaging in conversations, and when he would enter the PAES® Lab he would say “Good Morning” to the ESP and Jess. One of the coolest changes though was seeing him laugh at jokes and funny situations in the lab. After a while Jess started receiving emails from his teachers and case managers saying what in the world did you do with this kid, his whole mindset has changed. The student was a senior that year and the next Fall one of Jess’ co-workers ran into the student at a store and asked how he was doing and what he was up to. The student told the co-worker he was doing great and that he was going to school at a community college in Minneapolis for graphic design.
Thanks for sending in this great success story Jess!
Submitted by:
Jess Kline
Work Coordinator – Osseo Area Schools
CBVAT - PAES® Lab Instructor
Timberland North V
7600 Boone Ave. N. Suite 72
Brooklyn Park, MN 55428
763-315-9776 Ext. 77140
Second Story:
Get out the Kleenex box. In 2018, Jess had a junior start in the PAES® lab at Osseo Area Schools CBVAT. He was scheduled five days a week. At the beginning of the year the student had very poor attendance and would never call in and let us know when he wasn’t coming. By the end of the year he was 16 jobs short of completing all 264 jobs. The last couple months of the school year he had no unexcused absences and was always calling if he couldn’t make it. He was named our May employee of the month. In Fall of 2019, his case manager said he wanted to come back and finish the PAES® Lab. He told his case manager the May employee of the month award he received was the first time in his life he had ever received an award or was acknowledge for an accomplishment of his. Since he is so close to finishing we have brain stormed and found other jobs for him to do. One day he does our payroll, one day he works in our store, one day he does custodial jobs around here, one day he does PAES®, and the other day he works as a peer mentor in the Production Lab.
Thanks for sharing this tear jerker story Jess.
Submitted by:
Jess Kline
Work Coordinator – Osseo Area Schools
CBVAT - PAES® Lab Instructor
Timberland North V
7600 Boone Ave. N. Suite 72
Brooklyn Park, MN 55428
763-315-9776 Ext. 77140
I would say PAES® lab jobs are a good way to prepare students for jobs. In my World of Work class, we have them do a mix of things during their class time-including PAES® lab jobs. This mix of things gives them a great variety of vocational experiences and practice, as well as exposure to PAES® lab jobs. This year I had two seniors move from the World of Work class (special education class) to an Internship at a job (gen. ed. class) at the semester & part of that was all the skills they had learned through the mix of experiences in World of Work class. Overall, I am thankful that some of the PAES® jobs are in areas I'm not personally an expert in and could not provide them experiences in outside of those tasks.
PAES Author Information and Contact Info:
© 2024 Life Productions is owned and operated by Life Productions, the author of the PAES® Curriculum.
Beginning Feb 10, 2024 PAES® Product purchase orders will be fulfilled and supported by PAES Productions, LLC.