North Dakota

Work Life Ready provides PAES lab, Project Discovery, and Achieve Life Skills sales support to the state of North Dakota.


To search for North Dakota PAES lab and Project Discovery locations:

Enter your zip code to search the locator map to find a PAES Lab, Project Discovery, or Achieve Life Skills program near you.

      Expose your students or clients to a broad range of hands-on, generalizable work skills. They'll be better prepared for community work experiences, future employment and independent life!

      North Dakota now has nearly 20 PAES labs across the state. Many new labs were established in 2021 and 2022.

      Learn more about PAES


      avail, by CentralReach

      and the newest digitized solution for students  

      avail®, by CentralReach


      avail® acts as a personal teaching assistant for students with varied learning needs, providing them with discreet, personalized content at the touch of a button. Combining Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA), evidence-based interventions to deliver Individual Education plans (IEP) goals utilizing Avail multimedia prompts.


      avail® has been reported to reduce the need for one to one assistance by 30%, enhances learning both in the classroom and in the community. 

      For information see avail page.