Resource Mapping:
Aligning Resources to Prepare Students with Disabilities for the Workplace.
These resources and downloads are available free to all interested parties:
A framework and worksheets for conducting resource mapping at your program, school or school district to prepare students/individuals with disabilities for the workplace.
Evidence-based strategies and valuable resources, including the identification of funding streams, to successfully prepare students with disabilities (SWD) for careers in the workforce. Provided is a working framework and implementation tools to take the next step at your program, school or school district.
Download Mapping Resources Planning and Worksheets
Stephanie Corbey
Transition Consultant and Retired special education director; Burnsville-Eagan-Savage School District 191 in Burnsville, Minnesota
Certified Project Discovery Trainer and Enthusiast
PAES© Customer/Enthusiast
Stephanie has over 40 years in special and career and technical education specializing in the transition from school to adult life for students with disabilities. Her leadership on a local, state and national level helped to implement the transition requirements of IDEA. As an adjunct faculty member at the University of St. Thomas, Minneapolis she trained graduate level teachers in the field of transition services for youth with disabilities. She co-authored a textbook on transition assessment that is used both in the United States and international.

If you would like support in implementing resource mapping at your school or district, you could consider hiring Transition Consultant Stephanie Corbey. Contact Stephanie at [email protected] for information.
Heidi Johnson
Transition Sales Consultant and owner of Work Life Ready, Inc.
Heidi has over 30 years working in the business world ranging from big corporate, small start-up and entrepreneurship. For the past 13 years she has been a partner with school administrators and teachers in the provision of transition programming and assessments such as PAES© lab, Project Discovery, and Achieve Life Skills. This partnership goes long past the point of sale with a continuation of customer and implementation support. Heidi’s business experience makes her a great partner for educators who are focusing on the transition of their students to the world of work.
We would like to acknowledge the following individuals for their contributions to this work!

Cheryl Hubbard-George
Director for Exceptional Children
Florence District 3 County
Lake City, SC
Original Workshop through Education Associates and Project Discovery

Nicky Loch
Special Education Supervisor
South Washington County Schools
Contributor of Ideas and Content

Pam Stock
Transition Consultant
Certified PAES Trainer
Project Discovery Trainer
Rretired Special Education Teacher
Brainerd, MN
Presented Concepts at Workshop at Wisconsin Transition Conference